If your partner isn’t kept in diapers all the time we like to still think of travel as being a required diapering time. Just like you might diaper a toddler who hasn’t quite mastered the potty on long trips the same should apply to your partner.
So if you’re traveling somewhere for more than an hour they should be in diapers.
On long car journeys, backseat diaper changes can be very humiliating while being low risk for detection (park away from crowds etc).
Flying is a time when diapering is especially a good idea. Although going through security wearing is completely fine, to reduce exposure anxiety you can have them diaper up afterward. They should however then remain secured in a diaper until arriving at your destination. On any form of transport make sure when traveling that you carry 1 or 2 changes as delays can happen!
Being on vacation or staying away from home should not change DD and your usual schedule should continue. Disposable bed mats sold for bedwetters are a good idea to prevent any leaks away from home and also act as good portable changing mats.
In hot weather locations, cloth-backed diapers can be cooler, and wearing diapers under shorts or dresses work well. It might also be worth investing in a swim diaper that is discreet enough so the general public won’t notice but they’ll be self-conscious about wearing a diaper so publicly.
If your partner isn’t in diapers 24/7 a vacation or staycation can be a great way to try this out. Only take diapers and make it clear the toilet is out of bounds for the whole trip. You might also have more time to check and change them more frequently than possible in daily life.